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Pronouncing the -ed ending

Susan "Zuzu" Skelly

The Rules It’s all about the last sound you make before the -ed ending is added. If a word ends in the letter d or t (or their sounds), the -ed ending is pronounced /әd/. This adds another syllable to your word.

Needed /Needәd/ Wanted /Wantedәd/ Painted /Paintәd/ Carded /Cardәd/

If a word ends in a voiceless sound, the -ed ending is pronounced /t/.

Helped /Helpt/ Briefed /Brieft/ Watched /Watcht/ Picked /Pickt/

If a word ends in a voiced sound, the -ed ending is pronounced /d/.

Judged /Judged/ Bobbed /Bobd/ Braved /Braved/ Tied /Tied/

What’s a voiceless sound? When we make voiceless sounds, we are just pushing air around. Think about the sounds you make when you pronouncing these letters or letter combinations: p, k, ch, sh, f. Go ahead. Make the sounds listed here. Notice how you’re really just moving air around with your mouth. What’s a voiced sound? When we make voiced sounds, we can feel our throats vibrate a little. Think about the sounds you make when you pronouncing these letters or letter combinations: m, b, l, r, v, a, e, i, o, u, dge. Go ahead. Make the sounds listed here. Notice how your throat has to do some work. To really feel it, gently put the palm of your hand against the front of your neck while you make the sounds. Do you feel that vibration? That’s you voicing a sound. Quiz time! How do you pronounce the -ed endings on the words below?

1. Infatuated

2. Beeped

3. Labeled

4. Partied

5. Weeded

6. Pushed

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